A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding How an Air Conditioner Works

Do you ever wonder how an air conditioner works? It's a complex process, but understanding the basics can help you make the most of your AC unit. In this article, we'll explain the step-by-step process of how an air conditioner works, from the warm air entering the vent to the cooled air being distributed throughout your home. Warm air from inside your home enters through a vent and is then passed through an expansion valve that regulates the flow. This air is then blown onto the cold evaporator coil, which absorbs heat from the air.

As the refrigerant inside the coils absorbs heat, it turns back into gas and moves towards the compressor. The evaporator coil is a series of pipes connected to a furnace or air handler that blows indoor air through it, causing the coil to absorb heat from the air. The cooled air is then supplied to the house through ducts. Then, the refrigerant flows back to the compressor, where the cycle starts again.

The central air conditioner works by moving the air in your home until it reaches the desired temperature. Central air systems extract warm air from your home, work to cool it by releasing its heat to the outside, and then distribute the freshly cooled air through a duct system in your home. In this way, all rooms reach the ideal temperature. Ductless systems are inherently different from central cooling systems because air flows through indoor units into individual rooms rather than ducted throughout the home. Air conditioners take advantage of this phase conversion feature by forcing special chemicals to evaporate and condense over and over again in a closed coil system.

The result is a continuous cycle of removing heat and humidity from the indoor air, cold air returns to the house and heat and humidity leaving the house. The cooler part (which incorporates an expansion valve and an evaporator) is mounted behind the car's dashboard, the heat sink (which incorporates a compressor unit and a condenser) is mounted near the car's radiator grille (where air passes as it goes) and the two things are connected by a circuit of pipes through which refrigerant flows when the AC unit is turned on. The most important maintenance task that will ensure your air conditioner runs efficiently is to replace or clean your filters on a routine basis. In fact, central AC systems have a whole system of ducts designed to channel air to and from these cooling coils. These units are great for homeowners who want central air conditioning but have nowhere to store a large indoor unit in their home.

Since it is in an open area, heat dissipates with the wind, so your home can continue to release indoor heat through AC to its surroundings. Clean or replace your AC system filter(s) every one to two months during cooling season. Ductless multisplit AC units work just like mini-splits but without one-to-one ratio. They require less invasive installation because they don't rely on ducts to distribute cold air. They also have a heating element so they can heat up a room on cold days and cool it on warm days. As refrigerant passes through condenser coil and cooler outside air passes through coil, this air absorbs heat from refrigerant causing it to condense from gaseous state to liquid state.

If you don't have AC, look for local AC service that will help you install an AC unit in your home efficiently.

Lucy Ryan
Lucy Ryan

Passionate music buff. Total music expert. Passionate music expert. Baconaholic. Unapologetic burrito junkie. Hardcore music geek.